Our facility is available FOR RENT by members, non-profit groups, and community activities. If you’d like to consider renting space at UUFR Click Here.
For membership information contact Kelly Maitland.
Announcements for Sunday’s bulletin go to Patty MacCargar.
Send articles for The Chalice Newsletter to Kristi VanAudenhove by the 25th.
Send announcements for Connections to Jeff Geis with “Connections” in the subject line.
If you’d like to receive Connections, our online eNews, click Subscribe.
Announcements for Facebook go to Nancy Stupi.
Approved calendar events go to Sue Spencer.
To learn more about UUFR’s commitment to Social Justice contact Ruth Micklem.
To add your name to the Ladies Luncheon list, contact Celane Roden.
To add your name to the Thursday Zoom group, contact Gill Smith.
For information about InsideOut Yoga visit the InsideOut Yoga website or contact Susan Johnson.