We honor the efforts of our founding members, who, with a dream in their hearts, gathered in home-based meetings that gave birth to our Fellowship. Our trusted and beloved UUFR charter members, Tom and Shirley Kinney, Bob and Elaine Weekley, Ruth Micklem and Kristi VanAudenhove, Don Lowrey, and Barbara Haynes, shared tales of the early days. A truly joyous celebration! (Click on image to view video.)
Coffee & Conversation is a casual weekly gathering of UUFR members and friends at The Local in Irvington. We invite anyone who enjoys good fellowship and meaningful discussion to join in the fun. We’re there from 9:30 – 11:30 each Wednesday morning. Some folks come for two hours, others drop in, and sometimes a few hang out through lunch. For updates, please check the announcements in the weekly Connections.
Phood & Philosophy is a fun combination of potluck dining and a lively after-dinner “philosophical” discussion. The theme is chosen by the host(s). Loosely structured, the dinners are held monthly when hosts are available. The dinners are usually held in private homes, although occasionally they are hosted in the UUFR Fellowship Hall. Announcements will be in the Sunday bulletin, the weekly Connections, and The Chalice Newsletter. Information such as the date, the name of the host, location, theme, RSVP deadline, and the maximum number of guests that can be accommodated will be included in the announcement.
Ceilidh or Ceili (pronounced kay-lee) is a Party of Participation ~ sharing songs, music, stories, jokes, poetry, or other talents. Being an audience member is also great. Ceili is a very family-friendly event. There’s also a potluck of sweet and savory snacks & desserts to share. UUFR members and guests are all welcome! We’re grateful to Mary and Tom Olinger for introducing us to Ceili in March 2023. It was such a success we made it an annual March event at UUFR! For updates and more information about this or any UUFR event, please check the announcements in the Sunday bulletin, the weekly Connections, or The Chalice Newsletter.
Ladies Luncheons are held on the 4th Friday of each month. We meet at various restaurants throughout the area. It’s a great time to get together with other UUFR women! For updates and more information about this or any UUFR event, please check the announcements in the Sunday bulletin, the weekly Connections, or The Chalice Newsletter.
River Readers meets on the 4th Monday of each month (except December) at the Lancaster Community Library in Kilmarnock at 2 PM. All are welcome! River Readers is not just for UU members. The group chooses meaningful books, and the discussion leader comes prepared, so we have discussions that are lively and informed. For updates and more information about this or any UUFR event, please check the announcements in the Sunday bulletin, the weekly Connections, or The Chalice Newsletter.
Music Appreciation aka “Making Music” classes started in January 2024. The classes are held on the 1st Wednesday of each month from 5:30 – 7:00 PM. For changes to the schedule, please check the announcements in the Sunday bulletin or the weekly Connections.
During each month that has five Sundays, we celebrate with a potluck lunch after the service on that 5th Sunday. Bring a dish to share and enjoy some great food & conversation. (Occasionally, there will be an alternative special event on that 5th Sunday, so we’ll pass on the potluck that month.) For updates and more information about this or any UUFR event, please check the announcements in the Sunday bulletin, the weekly Connections, or The Chalice Newsletter.
The Membership Committee sponsors several annual events including the Summer Picnic, Friendsgiving (a wonderful potluck for folks not celebrating Thanksgiving with family), and the Holiday Party. For updates and more information about these or any UUFR event, please check the announcements in the Sunday bulletin, the weekly Connections, or The Chalice Newsletter.
Unitarian Universalist
Fellowship of the Rappahannock
366 James Wharf Road
White Stone, VA
Mailing Address
PO Box 1266, White Stone VA 22578